Twitch Chatbot Slot Machine

A Slot machine bot for Twitch. Contribute to Techaholica/TechaSlots development by creating an account on GitHub.

Martine the BOT

Martine is a multifunction bot, that can play high quality music, do moderation things, have fun commands, send random images, and many many more !


[![Discord Bots](]( [![Discord Bots](]( Some fun, music, images, and many more commands ! ------------------------------------------------- #### Prefix: ',' or 'mart ' (Can be changed) #### Type ,help for have all commands of the bot ! πŸ˜ƒ Music commands (,help music): ----------------------------- β€’ ,play or ,pl : Play a URL or Search for a track on YouTube. (URL : YouTube, Soundcloud, mp3 streams, and Spotify) (Spotify is slower when adding playlist, but it works, no worries it will be improved in the future) β€’ ,skip or ,sk : Skip to next track. β€’ ,previous or ,prev : Play the previous track. β€’ ,pause or ,pa : Pause the track. β€’ ,resume or ,res : Resume a track paused. β€’ ,stop or ,st : Stop the player, and disconnect. β€’ ,shuffle or ,sh : Toggle shuffling. β€’ ,repeat or ,rep : Toggle repeat. β€’ ,now or ,np : Show the track playing now. #### And more in the ,help music command ! Moderation commands : ,help mod ------------------------------- General commands (,help general): --------------------------------- β€’ ,trivia : Start Trivia session. β€’ ,weather : Display weather of a given location. β€’ ,twitch or ,youtube : Check if a Twitch or YouTube channel is live. β€’ ,bank : Manage your bank account. β€’ ,leaderboard : Show the global leaderboard. β€’ ,payday : Get some free currency between 50-120 marts. β€’ ,daily : Daily reward (500 marts) for upvote Martine. β€’ ,slot : Use the slot machine. #### And more in the ,help general command ! NSFW commands (,help nsfw): --------------------------- **Only work in a NSFW channel !** β€’ ,4k : Show 4k images. β€’ ,ass : Show random ass image. β€’ ,anal : Show random anal image. β€’ ,boobs : Show random boobs image. β€’ ,wild : Show random wild image. β€’ ,hentai : Show random hentai image. β€’ ,hentaigif : Show random hentai gif. β€’ ,lesbian : Show random lesbian image. β€’ ,porngif : Show random porn gif. β€’ ,pussy : Show random pussy image. β€’ ,thigh : Show random thigh image. #### And more in the ,help nsfw command ! Images commands (,help images): ------------------------------ β€’ ,cat : Send a random cat image. β€’ ,dog : Send a random dog image. β€’ ,shiba : Send a random shiba image. β€’ ,panda : Send a random panda image. β€’ ,birb : Send a random birb image. β€’ ,coffee : Send a random coffee image. β€’ ,duck : Send a random duck image. β€’ ,fox : Send a random fox image. β€’ ,lizard : Send a random lizard image. β€’ ,meme : Send a random meme image. β€’ ,pika or ,pikachu : Send a random Pikachu image. #### And more in the ,help images command ! Utility commands (,help util): ------------------------------ β€’ ,avatar : Show your avatar in a large size. β€’ ,emoji : Post a large size server emoji in chat. β€’ ,invitebot : Send the invitation link of Martine the BOT. β€’ ,upvote : Send the link for upvote Martine the BOT. β€’ ,prefix : Show all prefixes of Martine the BOT. β€’ ,support : Send a link of the support server of Martine the BOT. Information commands (,help info): ---------------------------------- β€’ ,userinfo : Show your user informations. β€’ ,serverinfo : Show the informations of current server. β€’ ,info : Show info about Martine the BOT. β€’ ,dblstats : Show the stats of Martine on β€’ ,usagecount : Show the usage stats of Martine. (Messages received, commands processed etc...) β€’ ,botstats : Show all the stats of Martine. β€’ ,ping : Show latency of Martine. β€’ ,uptime : Show how many time Martine is live. Contact PredΓ€ - ζ’…δΈ½θŽŽγ€‚εε››#1001 for support or join the [support server]( 'Martine support server') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fork of Red-DiscordBot v3. Link of the [GitHub]( 'Red Github') Currently improving and add features. More commands are coming soon ! Thanks to Red-DiscordBot for base of this nice bot, and all the help to create it. ##### Martine the BOT#9340. β™‘ ##### Logo made with [DesignEvo]( 'Free Online Logo Maker')


  1. Click Login Details inside the Stream Avatars application.
  2. Click Get Channel Token.
  3. Create a new twitch account for a custom bot. (optional)
    • Sign in with your bot account.
  4. Click Get Bot Token.
  5. Add a Game Capture to your streaming software and capture the window for Stream Avatars.exe.
    • Crop the Game Capture to fit your stream.
    • Set the Window Size of Stream Avatars to fit your stream.
  6. Click Connect.

XSplit has a similar feature, transparency is enabled automatically if not, you should be able to find it in properties.

  1. Enable the extension in the General section of the Stream Avatars application.
  2. Install the Twitch Extension.
  3. Activate the Twitch Extension as a panel on your stream.

There are 3 methods for importing content. The easiest and most popular way to import is by using the Steam Workshop.

  1. Open the Steam Workshop Menu from inside the application. (subscribing via website does nothing)
  2. Download and Import any community created packs that you like.

If you are creating your own avatars or building your own spritesheet, please read over Creating Avatars

The last method is importing content that was exported from Stream Avatars.

  1. Download a content zip pack from the Stream Avatars' Discord Server.
  2. Move the .zip file into the 'import' folder.
  3. Click Save and Reload.
  4. Select the file name in the dropdown and then click Import Selected

  • β€” RED commands require bot moderator status β€”

  • !help β€” Displays a list of basic commands.

  • !random β€” Forces your avatar to equip a randomize layout. (avatar, color, gear items)

  • !avatars β€” Displays a list of available avatars.
  • !avatars <choice> β€” Forces your avatar to change to the chosen avatar.

  • !gear β€” Displays a list of available gear items that are inside the chosen gear set.
  • !gear <choice> β€” Displays a list of available gear sets.
  • !<choice> <choice> β€” Forces current avatar to equip the chosen gear item.

  • !colors β€” Displays a list of available colors for the current avatar.
  • !colors <choice> β€” Forces current avatar to equip the chosen color.

  • !nametags β€” Displays a list of available nametags.
  • !nametags <choice> β€” Equips the chosen nametag.

  • !actions β€” Displays a list of available actions for the current avatar.
  • !<choice> β€” Forces avatar to do the chosen action.
  • !<choice> <target> β€” Forces avatar to do the chosen action on chosen target user.

  • !show β€” Displays a list containing avatar, color, gear, and nametag this is currently equipped.
    (also brings the avatar to the highest avatar layer)

  • !shop β€” Displays a list to navigate the shop options.
  • !buy avatar β€” Displays a list of avatars that can be purchased.
  • !buy colors β€” Displays a list of colors that can be purchased for the current avatar.
  • !buy actions β€” Displays a list of actions that can be purchased for the current avatar.
  • !buy gear β€” Displays a list of actions that can be purchased for the current avatar.
  • !buy nametags β€” Displays a list of actions that can be purchased for the current avatar.

  • !bet β€” Displays instructions for using the roulette game.
  • !bet <amount> <bet-type> β€” Places a bet on the bet-type for the roulette game.
    (bet types: red/black, odd/even, 0-36, 1st12, 2nd12, or 3rd12.

  • !duel <target> <amount> β€” Challenge the target user to a duel for an amount of currency, winner takes all.
    (bet types: red/black, odd/even, 0-36, 1st12, 2nd12, or 3rd12.

  • !slots <amount> β€” Bet an amount on the slot machine.
    (bet amounts are limited between 5 and 500 by default).

  • !currency β€” Displays how much currency you have.
  • !<currency name> give <target> <amount> β€” Give target user an amount of your currency.
  • !<currency name> add <target> <amount> β€” Give target user an amount of currency without subtracting from your own.
  • !<currency name> remove <target> <amount> β€” Removes an amount of currency from the target user.

  • !gift <target> avatar <choice> β€” Allows target user to use the chosen avatar.
  • !gift <target> color <avatar> <choice> β€” Allows target user to use the chosen color.
  • !gift <target> action <avatar> <choice> β€” Allows target user to use the chosen action.
  • !gift <target> gear <gearSet> <choice> β€” Allows target user to use the chosen gear item.
  • !gift <target> nametag <choice> β€” Allows target user to use the chosen nametag.

  • !remove <target> avatar <choice> β€” Removes ownership from target user to use the chosen avatar.
  • !remove <target> color <avatar> <choice> β€” Removes ownership from target user to use the chosen color.
  • !remove <target> action <avatar> <choice> β€” Removes ownership from target user to use the chosen action.
  • !remove <target> gear <gearSet> <choice> β€” Removes ownership from target user to use the chosen gear item.
  • !remove <target> nametag <choice> β€” Removes ownership from target user to use the chosen nametag.

  • !mass β€” Issues multiple commands from all active users.
    (examples: !mass jump, !mass avatar littlewalker, !mass attack random)

  • !change <target> <commands> β€” Issues a command as if the target had issued it.
    (examples: !change clonzeh !jump, !change clonzeh !avatar littlewalker, !change clonzeh !random)

  • !spawn game β€” Creates a mini-game star that users can attempt to collect by issuing the jump action.
  • !spawn <target> β€” Creates an avatar. (if the target does not exist, it will be created as a new viewer)

  • !whitelist add <target> β€” Add target user to the whitelist. (allows user to spawn regardless of spawn settings)
  • !whitelist remove <target> β€” Remove target user from the whitelist.

  • !blacklist add <target> β€” Add target user to the blacklist. (prevents user from spawning)
  • !blacklist remove <target> β€” Remove target user from the blacklist.

  • !mod add <target> β€” Add target user as a bot moderator.
  • !mod remove <target> β€” Remove target user as a bot moderator.

  • β€” RED commands require bot moderator status β€”

Rules and Guidelines:

  • The image file type must be png.
  • Each frame should fit into an imaginary grid.
  • It's recommended to keep the frame size under 300x300 pixels.
  • It's recommended to keep the total image size under 2000x2000 pixels.
  • Sprites must be facing the right.
  • The character's feet should touch the bottom of the frame.
  • The character should be centered on the horizontal axis.
  • The first 5 rows are preset animations: idle, run, sit, stand, jump
  • After the 5 preset animations, you can create custom animations on the following rows.
  • You can override certain animations by setting the custom name appropriately. (hug, dance, attack, fart)

Twitch chatbot slot machine machines

This sprite is 8x9 (grid lines are not saved in the final image)

This sprite is 24x24 and has a custom animation 'sleep' (grid lines are not saved in the final image)

Navigate to your data folder by clicking the 'Open Folder' button inside Stream Avatars.

Drop your avatar .png spritesheet into the avatars folder.

Twitch Chatbot Slot Machine Bot

Click the 'Save and Reload' button.

Change the width and height to be the correct frame sizes, in this case 24x24, and then click 'Apply'. Now you can scroll down the animation list to edit the custom animation for custom1.

Change the custom animation name to be 'sleep', this will allow users to type !sleep to play it.
I also enabled the Animation Loops toggle in 'Advanced', and set the number of loops to be over 60 so that the animation loops until another command is issued.

Select your avatar and then click the Palette editor button.

Create the 'Main Palette'. You do this by adding the color boxes and selecting the primary colors of your avatar. There is an eyedropper tool to assist in acquiring these colors.

Create a new Palette by entering a name and clicking 'Create'.
You can now adjust the colors to swap correctly.
Optionally, you can have gears use the same palette swap.

Navigate to your gear folder.

Create a new folder.

Add gear to the folder.

Allow the avatar to use the gear.

Twitch Chatbot Slot Machine Simulator

Select the gear.

If your gear piece is animated, make sure you select IsAnimated, and set the width to the proper frame size

Twitch Chatbot Slot Machine Machines

Twitch Chatbot Slot Machines

Frame anim is used if the gear item has a frame for each frame of the avatar that will be using it.