Discord Slot Machine Bot

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Prefix: e!

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Don't include () or [] in commands

I am developing a discord.js bot and I want to make a cooldown for a command. I saw a lot of tutorials on how to do it on Google, but all those tutorials do it for all the commands (so when a user type!mycmd all the users have to wait X minutes/seconds until it can be typed again). May 29, 2019 Albert's Slot Channel - Slot Machine Videos Recommended for you 14:28 How to put together a ManyChat Quiz using ManyChat Custom Field Formula and ManyChat Condtions and o - Duration: 22:53.

Required: [], Optional: ()

How to configure your server

settingsShows the current settings for the server.
config [type] [#channel]Sets the log channels or the commands only channel.
misc currency [symbol]Sets the currency name/symbol.
toggleShows the toggleable settings, for certain features.
prefix [new prefix]Sets or shows the prefix for the server. (or mention the bot)
config roles.humans [@Role/Name/ID]Sets the welcome/auto-join role.


Discord Bots | Discord Bot List

purge [number]Purges the channel of x amount of messages.
ptPurges the channel for all text-messages (ignores: images and embeds)
role [@role] [@member(s)]Adds/Removes the member from the role you provide.
warn [@User] [reason]Warns the user and logs the warn in the action-log channel (If set)
warns [@User]Checks the user's warnings.
clearwarn [case-number]Clears that case number from the warnings.
mute [@user] (reason)Mutes the member and removes all possible roles and gives them the muted role
unmute [@user]Unmutes the member and adds the roles they previously had (if any)
kick [@user] (reason)Kicks the member from the server
softban [@user] (reason)Bans the member then unbans the member from the server.
ban [@user] (reason)Bans the member from the server and logs in the action-log channel (if one is set)

Fun Commands

dailyCollect your daily bonus
balance (@user)Shows your balance or the user you provide
withdraw [amount, all]Withdraws money from your bank account
deposit [amount, all]Deposits money to your bank account
workWork and earn currency
guessnumber [number] [amount]Guess the number if your correct you get double the amount you bet!
slot [amount]Play the slot machine!
pay [@user] [amount]Sends the user you provide the amount you provide.
shop (item)View or buy something from the shop, upgrades
rob [@user]Rob a user from their currency. (if they have any)
flipcoin [amount]Flip your coins and see if you win.
reset me yesCompletely resets your coins/currency database, (Action is not reversible)

Logging Features

Discord Servers Tagged With Slotbot | DISBOARD

EmojiCreate, Update, Delete
ChannelCreate, Update, Delete
MessageUpdate, Delete, Bulk-Delete
RoleCreate, Update, Delete
MemberJoin, Update, Leave, Kick, Ban, Unban
VoiceJoin, Switch, Leave
InviteCreate, Delete
UserUsername, Disciminator, Avatar

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How To Use Slotbot

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